Afrikaans: “Moeder” or “Ma Albanian: “Nene” or “Meme” Arabic: “Ahm” Belarusan: “Matka” Bosnian: “Majka” Bulgarian: “Majka Catalan: “Mare” Croatian: “Mati” or “Majka” Czech: "Maninka" Danish: “Mor” Dutch: “Moeder” or “Moer” Estonian: “Ema” Filipino: “Ina” Finnish: “Aiti” French: “Mere” or “Maman” German: “Mutter” Greek: “Mana” or “Mitera” HaitianCreole: “Manman Hawaiian: “Makuahine” Hindi: “Ma” or “Maji” Hungarian: “Anya” or “Fu” Icelandic: “Mamma” Indonesian: “Induk,” “Ibu,” “Biang” or “Nyokap” Irish: “Mathair” Italian: “Madre” or “Mamma” Japanese: “Okaasan” or “Haha” Latin: “Mater” Latvian: “Mamma” Lithuanian: “Motina” Malay: “Ibu” Norwegian: “Mamma” or “Mor” Persian: “Madr” or “Maman” Polish: “Matka” or “Mama” Portuguese: “Mae ”Punjabi: “Mai,” “Mataji” or “Pabbo” Romanian: “Mama” or “Maica” Russian: “Mama” Samoan: “Tina” Serbian: “Majka” Slovak: “Mama” or “Matka” Spanish: “Madre,” “Mama” or “Mami” Swahili: “Mama,” “Mzazi” or “Mzaa” Swedish: “Mamma,” “Mor” or “Morsa” Turkish: “Anne,” “Ana” or “Valide” Ukrainian: “Mati” Urdu: “Ammee” Vietnamese: “Me” Welsh: “Mam” Yiddish: “Muter"
A lot of names,
But the feelings behind it,
Is same for all,
Though it be,
Sadness, happiness or any,
Form of life,
She is always with us,
Always by our side,
Supporting us in every event,
Pampering us when required,
Protecting us from hardness,
Caring us with tenderness
We sometime quarrel with her,
Disrespect her,
Behave rudely,
Though we realise it lately,
But even for nanoseconds,
She will not disown us,
Or stop thinking about us.
To every caring object,
We give the name of mother,
But we even use abusive language,
With the word mother,
So today on this day,
Which is specially celebrated,
For mothers,
The most we can do is,
At least promise to ourselves,
That as much as we can,
We will respect all forms of mother,
And never ever use any brutal word,
With the beautiful word mother.