The first few words that I heard,
Were the fabrications of your absurd,
Yet fascinating tales of imaginary beings,
Me, not the one to suspect a thing,
Loved, laughed and learnt a lot from your morals,
That painted a good discipline on the murals,
Of my childish mind which was only a black,
Cloudless night that was attacked by flak,
Of questions every now and then,
You were patient to address them all.
Showed me the stars twinkling,
Had a story for every celestial being,
Rolled a morsel of my favourite Rasam rice,
Secretly stuffed the vegetables inside,
Fed me as I was engrossed in the narration,
Never found out I actually got some nutrition,
Memories of those nights on the terrace,
As you held me on your hip
And perambulated around,
Are still afresh in my mind.
Now every time I look up above,
And see the luminous points,
A tear drop surely connects the dots,
Of conveying my yearning for you and
Your everlasting love for me.
I miss you Grandma,
Love you forever and always.
#NapoWriMo #memories #grandma #poetry #poems