A new beginning is like,
The first rays of the morning sun;
Which is laden with hope and faith,
Enough to light up one's day.
A new beginning is,
A chosen blessing from the Almighty;
Who leaves no stone unturned,
To gift us with a beautiful journey.
A new beginning is,
A challenge and a motivation;
Where, challenge keeps us going,
While motivation keeps our spirit high.
A new beginning is,
A promise to ourself and a self assurance
Of persistence, hard work and
A never ending struggle...
In a new beginning,
Lies an ocean of blessings
From the Almighty; the Omnipotent
And from our parents;
One of God's beautiful creation...
Copyright Shaheen Akhtar.
● iwrite
● Celebrating the opening of the WissenMonk Store on this day.
Beautiful write-up on a beautiful day🌸
Thank you so much for this lovely write-up 🌱