O' dawn, I want to see the best version of you.
I want to see you before the sun rises.
I need to feel you when the world is deep asleep...
I wish to be a part of that time of the dawn,
When silence is the only noise...
This is the reason, I struggle every morning
To get up, wake up and take a
Fifteen minutes walk to my Yoga studio.
I fail many mornings to get up on time.
Those mornings passes with a regret!
And I try yet again the next morning.
I succeed yet I keep trying.
I fail yet I keep trying.
Sometimes I fail over and over again,
Yet I keep trying...
I may fail to succeed but I don't fail to try!
As long as we try, we never lose the battle.
Copyright Shaheen Akhtar.
● iwrite
● Never feel embarassed when you fail. Keep trying. After all, life is all about trying.
Beautiful 💓