Every single step taken forth was accompanied by some weird noise. She felt as though some unseen entity was walking along with her. It was the night time and there was no electricity. The path to her bedroom was just around 100 feet from where she was. She could see her bedroom door ahead. She felt she wasn’t moving an inch closer to it even though she was moving forward. Soon she realized that the floor beneath her was moving her backwards.
She stopped. So did the loud howl of wolves and the scratching noise from under the floors.
Suddenly there was a loud knock on the main door. Soon the room started stinking of rotten flesh.
“It’s just a dream.” She comforted herself. Just then she heard the knocks on door getting continuously louder. "It's a dream. It's a dream." She prayed under her breath.
“Open the door to be assured.” The raspy voice said.