Behold, they are the creators!
The most blessed creatures.
They are the only one next to God,
Who has the ability to create out of nothing.
They can make nature act like a human at times.
They make the air whisper, the rain dance,
The trees sing, the sun smile and the clouds move.
They can even make silence speak.
Who are they?
They are none, but the poets.
The harbingers of man's future.
They are the torchbearers, the pathbreakers,
The leaders of tomorrow.
They are here to change the world for the better.
They are the ones who can build,
And can never ruin.
In them lies creation, not destruction.
Poets are the seekers of truth, the peace lovers,
The weaver of words, the story tellers,
The listeners and the observers.
They are the emperors, for their pen holds
Enough might to rule the world...
Poetry promises a lot to its readers.
Poetry is like an ocean;
The deeper you dive, the more you will discover.
Everytime you reread a poem
It promises to unfold before you,
The myriad layers of truth.
Poetry brings the dead to life.
Poetry is the land of the immortals.
Tell me, had poets never existed
Who would have embraced nature
With such intensity as they do?
A poet is one who sees hope in a broken vase,
Who finds beauty in the dust,
Solace in the graveyard,
Who beautifies the odd and the deserted.
O' mankind!
Rise to the need of the hour
For the era of poets has begun.
They are the fearless, the unstoppable.
They unveil every truth, reveal every scar.
They speak their stories.
Never do they tolerate any injustice.
They dare to fall and yet never give up.
O' poets!
Come, let us all promise to write.
Write till the end point of infinity.
For the words will carry light in people's lives and,
Enlighten their minds, in the darkest of times.
Copyright Shaheen Akhtar.