There are some ultimate truths of life. One of them is that life is meaningless. If we fixate ourselves over this then there is nothing left to discuss.
However, if we are bother about the well-being of ourselves and people near us we have to be practical and choose what's best for us. Career wise and life wise. For choosing the best we should stop believing in fake scenarios that we agree with and start calling out the truth no matter how bitter it is.
Truth: To lead a successful, balanced and satisfactory life one must hook on to the "Growth Curve" and not settle for less. The top 1% billionaires have enough resources to position themselves on the growth curve which multiplies their wealth for their next generation. But the 99% is working for those in the growth curve like puppets.
What's the growth curve?
The S curve of any product/ idea/ technology that has a slow development phase, quick ascent and growth phase and slow decline phase leading to stagnation and phasing out. Every product/ idea/ technology becomes irrelevant and outdated after a period of time and identifying that is critical before choosing investments and careers.
One can choose a ascending field of technology, apply his mind, become the best, invent product/ business and retire before 40 if he can harness the growth curve.
But the best of the best in other fields will see them becoming obsolete if they don't adapt themselves.
Computer science, electronics, AI, E- commerce, data science, electric vehicles are currently in their ascending growth curve.
Conventional technologies like Telegram service, 2G telecom, Fax, Postal etc are dying fields in various stages of stagnation.
Most of Indian companies and departments are also suffering from same stagnation with no infusion of latest technology, improper training, red tape-ism, government hurdles, slow legal process, outdated educational curriculum, colonial hangover etc.
This is the reason why our PSUs are loss making, losing market share. This is also the reason of high unemployment, falling standard of living and rising foreign influence in our market. If you are lazy, someone else will innovate and take up your job.
This is the reason I will never suggest any school going kid to take up engineering unless they are highly motivated and in a field in the 'growth curve'.
Else, violate the growth curve and stay mediocre for life, work till 60 and die poor. This is the ultimate truth.