All of a sudden, the loud exchange of words abruptly transformed into a wave of murmur. Both Johnny and Rashi were clueless. They peeked ahead and seeing a man in white T-shirt and Khakhi trousers, they understood the sudden silence of the crowd.
“What’s the problem here? Why there is such a huge commotion outside the building?” The new entrant, a tall, muscular, and thickly moustached man asked. Before anyone could say anything, Johnny took up the chance to complain against the said Patil sir, who was calmly peeking through the glassed window.
“I see.” The man looked at the old man and then peered at the man standing at the counter.
“What brings you here, detective?” Patil asked the man.
“Why have you closed the counter? There is a huge line outside.”
“Throw out those three people from here and then I will think about opening it.” Patil shot back.
“This much of audacity...” Before the detective could proceed ahead, the old man said. “Leave it, son! I’ll come again tomorrow.”
As Jasbir slowly walked out of the office, he saw two men carrying two big pails of orange juice. The detective motioned them to come inside.
“Who are you guys?” Patil shouted from the counter.
“Detective Balbir Bhalla here...” One of the men carrying the pail pointed at the officer and continued. “... has asked us to distribute this juice for everyone here.”
“Yes.” The detective took it from them. “Do you guys realize how scorching the temperature is today? How many people are literally being roasted outside! I am distributing this drink on the grounds of mere humanity.”
“It certainly is not a place to show your humanity, detective. Get going.” Patil was unfazed.
“Oh! Old habits of seeking bribe die hard, eh Patil?” Balbir turned to the two men serving the juice and said. “Let me give the hot Patil sir a cold glass of juice myself.” He soon went down to fetch a special glass of juice for Patil.
Meanwhile Jasbir slowly made way out of the building. Both Rashi and Johnny followed him. Johnny held Jasbir’s hand tightly as he helped the older man move through the crowd.
Once out of the building Rashi kept her electric bill in her handbag and gave Jasbir his papers. “Tomorrow is Sunday. They won’t be open. Monday is the last date to pay the electric bill. It will be too tedious for me as my kid has got school.” Rashi was mumbling.
“Yes. Who cares about our Monday morning blues? This Patil needs to be taught a lesson.” Johnny remarked.
“My wife died here standing in the line for continuous 2 hours. She was asthmatic. At that time, this Patil had closed even the billing counter. Only one counter was available for both billing and grievances. That was two years ago.” Jasbir grew emotional. “It’s not like they don’t have enough staffs. They have just become too dependent on bribes that they don’t want to work ethically anymore.”
“My God!” Both Rashi and Johnny were shocked.
“You guys must have seen me only since the past few months. But I have been coming here ever since my wife died. The work for which my wife was standing in the line that day is still pending. That Patil isn’t going to help me get my work done. He is an evil man. I wish he died.”
“Yes! I too feel the same.” Rashi joined in after making sure her kid was out of ear shot.
“You both must be wondering why I am going to such an extreme level.” Jasbir sat on a public bench and caught his breath. Rashi quickly gave him a bottle of water that she was carrying. “This Patil has been here in Deppari since the past 10 years. He has learned to survive well. He doesn’t want any promotion or transfer because his life is well settled here. He bullies people, forces them to indulge in bribing and has also bought many vigilance officers to whom I had complained personally. So it’s indeed a time I put a full stop to his atrocities. I have lived my life well. I wouldn’t bother to go to jail now for killing him.”
What is cooking in Jasbir's mind? Is he really serious about killing Patil? Find out in the next chapter...