I am breathing fine ;
But, I don't know why ?
It feels like ;
I am, gasping for breath .
There is no danger around me .
But I don't know why ?
I feel as if ;
I am falling into ;
Some sort of a serious threat .
My senses are fine !
But, I feel as if ;
I have become ,
Immune to any sense .
My social life ?
I rather not mention ;
As it is, in a total mess .
Everyone around me ,
Are now worried .
They keep questioning me ;
About why , I always ;
Stay so stressed ?
In response of which ;
I often end up ;
Having, no reason to say .
How can I ?
As I too am clueless !
Trying hard, to find my way .
I wasn't like this !
Not, for once ;
As far, as I can recall .
By 'this' I mean :
" This clumsy me who keeps " ;
'Tripping', 'falling' and ,
'Breaking' down ;
Every now and then .
As if, it is a 'cyclic' movement ;
Which doesn't, have an end .
I pray to God ;
To help me, but ;
It feels as if ;
He has become deaf ,
Towards my screams .
Or, maybe ;
My screams are queued ,
In a queue too long ;
To be heard by him ;
Until the next blue moon .
My reader, I do know ;
You too would ;
What might now suggest :
That is ;
To stay strong ,
And keep working hard;
Until I build my way .
But my friend ,
I can ensure you ;
It isn't like, I haven't tried .
Failing upon which ;
Even I can't remember ,
The number of nights ;
Or hours which I have cried .
Now ,
With bruises on my soul ;
As well as an aching body ;
I am too scarced ;
To give another try .
Maybe it is the reason ;
Why even in pain ;
I am now, unable to cry .
I just can't further express ,
My situation to you ;
Then site the example ,
Of Romeo and Juliet ;
Where both died ;
With just a wish to be whole .
My scenerio for some ;
Is a joke .
About which, they every now ,
And then site against me to troll .
Even, my name has now changed ;
As well as, my identity .
As in whispers and gossips ;
I am now referred to as ;
"The Mad Man" .
Curious for a remedy ;
I ask them, for suggestions .
Upon which ;
Some even end up ,
Blaming me and stating ;
That I am the one at fault .
But I want to ask you ;
My dear reader .
Is it my fault ?
Or, is it a 'defect' ?
With which ;
People like me are built ?
If so, then suggest ;
What shall I do ?
To become ;
One, like you .
As I am waiting ,
For that dawn ;
Where I too can ;
Show the world :
"A better version of me ";
"A version of me ,
Completely new ".
#Depression #MentalHeath #Madman #Poem #Poetry
Some of the lines there ..were saying all about me..! Well done bro..!👍❤️
Brilliant! This is one of your best works.
You are a good writer Abhishek.