Our minds are complex. We all are a victim of our own thoughts. To understand this complexity is a lifelong process. It is a process of falling down, getting up and doing the same all over again. The world by all means, has made it more complicated. We sure live in a modern world, but to be able to adapt to this version of modernity is a fragile experience for our minds. The body mind connection needs to be addressed. What you think affects how you feel, how you feel affects how you think.
Suicide has become the new normal or rather it has become an easy option. For the eyes of a layman, victimizing the one who committed suicide is easy. It takes up all your strength, all your willpower, all your nerves to take a step where you decide nothing is worth anymore. Often do I wonder, what does a person go through in those few moments before the act of killing oneself? The mind becomes the worst enemy. Stress has become a coexisting factor. Social influences are all people are now living for. The complexity of the world becomes too much for one to cope with and thus the end seems easier. Your brain goes into a sleep mood, where depression takes over.
Be an active listener. Be a support even when not asked for. Treat people the way you want to be treated. This is a little world and there is no time to do any harm. With everything going around, the least we can do is not let others suffer. Toxicity is all around us. Donot be a toxic person, nor be around one. If you feel, something doesn't seem right, act. If you feel, something doesn't feel good, seek. We are all at fault. Live in the real world. Do for the real world.
For all those, who are vulnerable I hear you and I feel you. We are the same. We are the help we need. We are brave.
Suicide is acceptable, suicide is preventable.
Neha Bharali 🌻
really your are something like inspiration