In the middle of the night;
I will lay my head on your lap.
Rub your warm fingers through my thin hair.
Let's talk through this night in silence.
The moon glazes different tonight, the clouds are shouting.
I am craving for some rain.
The rain, to wash down my soul.
The ocean is my lover,
the waves are my mate.
We dance tonight into the unknown melody.
Always unstable, put me to sleep with you holding me in your arms.
I put my feelings in stanzas of poetry.
Is it too much that I ask?
Kiss me a goodnight kiss and wait till I fall asleep.
Your breath is my lullaby for the night.
I lack love.
Yours, Neha
(do not remember me).
(I post my owm pictures against my writeups because no other picture can do more justice to this).
i felt peaceful reading this