Wandering around the alleys,
Below the turquoise umbrella
Of the supreme being.
I try to untangle my thoughts.
Thoughts, which are often perplexed
Twisted and rolled in
Between the desires of humanity.
How the world thrived,
Discovered gravity
And worked against it.
Enumerated the principles of society,
Waged wars for territory
For the thirst of aristocracy.
Trying every way to find the answers
Of what resides beyond the galaxy.
Seldom did one notice,
The bleeding sky,
The barren fields,
The tiring eyes searching for the peace.
Feelings from empty hearts,
Stones carved into coins.
Oceans losing the color of life.
Mines and queries turning earth hollow from inside.
Sounds quivering mind by measures of 120 decibels
Making the cries and pain go unheard.
Oh lord!
What more is left to watch?
How long is the suffering going to last.
Will the green come to life again?
Are the birds going to sing again?
As the haze of thoughts started to thin
I realised my situation in the street.
I tied my shoe lace,
And walked past the bridge.
With thoughts spread all over my head
I entered my room.
Wrapping them in a golden foil
I tried to hid it besides the wooden almirah!
For another day to sort them out
All over again.
- Jyotirupa Kalita
Ghy-29, Assam.