(Paradoxical unemployment, Medical service and awareness, Education, Right time information. Proper communication)
To understand and know about the time that we all live in today, needs sheer focus and a lot of knowledge about the history and science of human evolution. Humans are the most complicated piece of engineering that ever walked in this planet. Beyond earth obviously, we don’t know much about the other forms of energy that are being secretly nurtured in the endless stretch of universe. But to understand, what a modern society is and how it functions, we need to understand the energy flow or the socio-ecological cycle of survival.
Because, high energy means high power, the seemingly most powerful country of the world ‘United States’ has somehow managed to store and convert a lot of energy within(arms, intellectual & resources )
And most of the countries follow the exact same path to acquire power. And guess what, India ranks as the top runner up, in following the exact path of so called development or modernization,
But as the word goes” if there is a cause , there will also be the effect”. We agree New York is very beautiful in its public appearance and face value, but it exists, at a very high cost, not necessarily monetary but includes every aspect of a human life, like mass violence, racial discrimination, political hyper loop, inflation, famine, atom bombs, wars, constructions against the nature and many more.
It is not that the wise ones do not accept modernization, but as a ‘citizen individual’ of such a beautiful country, would not wish to see the weaker economic population get crushed and suffer under the wheels of apparel propaganda and greedy constructions. INDIA does not need that right now, the propaganda's and greed is not the necessity, but on the verge of acquiring power, the trend always becomes the necessity.
Our children today are getting, smart, but smart on what? The trend of technological motion is not what we should aspire for. There should be a limit to the use technology for the comfort of our human senses. Virtual simulation and artificial intelligence are very humongous words that are currently under the radar of ignorance.
But ignorance today , can be very catastrophic in near future.
This the only reason behind the birth of companies like Spacex and Lithium Giga Factory of Elon Musk, sooner or later the earth will crumble under its own weight, because as already discussed there is a limit to everything. So Mars is probably going to be the new home for some inhabitants of planet Earth
As the earth is getting hotter day by day, glaciers melting at a very high rate pose an acute threat to the land area of the earth and the entire human population .It is time for the children of our region, to take a pause for a moment in their life. And think, what is that we actually want today. The answers might be obvious and simple. But try to see the bigger picture in your life.
Every country is moving and growing fast. May it be in power or economy or geography?
Humans are exploiting and discovering the best of Mother Earth and human intellectuality.
But, there is always a limit to everything around, May it be living or non living, terrestrial or extra terrestrial.
The only thing that matters in reality is the motion/flow of TIME. And TIME is the only truth that needs to be understood and used. It is the very essence of being alive and being responsive to the world around, or in a cinematic way, time is the only superpower that exists in our senses, to serve our lives and also the lives of others.
And it is our time to make a choice now.
A strong will to bring a change.
The world needs strong leaders today. Who understands the Geo-political scenario of the world. And make a correct choice based on truth and facts. it is high time because, our leaders today might be ready to pay the exact cost, but the entire population will suffer without having any hint of what is happening, but in reality India is going to be the next US. And it is a matter of concern
A Psycho-technical civil war or simply World War III, that is already going on in the world, and the speciality of this war is that everyone is a victim of the war and no one knows about it.
People only suffer but don’t know why they suffer. This is a subconscious war, which keeps on going even if we talk about peace.
The digital world is a catalyst of the war. And people are not aware of it.
The world needs visionaries like Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Sir, who can see through this intellectual blunder.
Are you ready to take a break from your stereotype life and pave a new way for yourself and your people?
Find your answer and start your journey in this rat race, I dare you to take a step, and decide on a course of action that suits you best, because in this war, there is no win or lose, everyone will suffer, but the question is who suffers the least.
The world needs you in your best form.
Your well wisher