"Sea Glass" is a captivating novel written by [Author's Name] that immerses readers in a world of mystery, love, and self-discovery. Set against the backdrop of a coastal town, this enchanting story follows the journey of its protagonist as she unravels the secrets hidden within sea glass fragments washed ashore. Through the exploration of these mesmerizing treasures, the protagonist embarks on a personal quest, unearthing buried memories and finding solace in the healing power of the ocean. With poetic prose and evocative imagery, "Sea Glass" is a tale that will sweep you away into a world where the past and present intertwine, and the ocean holds the key to unlocking hidden truths.
Product Details: Publisher: Red River (6 December 2020)
Language: English
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 116
ISBN-10: 8194816408
ISBN-13: 978-8194816409
Item Weight: 204 g
Dimensions: 14.73 x 0.74 x 20.32 cm
Country of Origin: India
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